+1 vote
in openLCA by (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
by (23.7k points)
No. openLCA ships without any database. You can obtain databases for openLCA via https://nexus.openLCA.org. There are some free databases avaialble: https://nexus.openlca.org/databases#free-provider. You can check out our Youtube tutorial or the manuals on https://openLCA.org to learn how to import databases into openLCA.
ask.openLCA is a question-and-answer (Q&A) website on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).

It is also the public support platform for openLCA, openLCA Nexus, data.openLCA and the LCA Collaboration Server.

Before asking questions please also consult our online manuals for openLCA and the LCA Collaboration Server.

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ask.openLCA is run by GreenDelta, the creators of openLCA.


LCA Collaboration Server