+2 votes
When I select flows to input to my process, the dropdown menu under Provider does not have any options available to select. The same issue occurs when I create a product system and go to 'search providers for' on the right-click menu. This means I don't know how to add my unit processes for my inputs and therefore can't calculate anything. Any help would be appreciated. I only have access to free databases.
in openLCA by (190 points)
by (131k points)
(difficult to say without picture, maybe you did not save the process that you want to see as provider?)

1 Answer

0 votes
by (14.0k points)
In openLCA you can connect product and waste flows of processes in a product system. When you have a process `A` that has an input of a product `b` and a process `B` that produces `b` as an output, you can connect this input of `b` in `A` with the output of `b` in `B`. Note that `b` needs to be a product flow (you select type = `Product flow` when you create that flow). For this example, you can then select `B` as the provider of the input of `b` in `A`.

For waste flows it is the other way around: you can connect the processes `A` and `W` when the process `A` has an output of waste flow `w` and the process `W` has `w` as an input. You can then select `W` as the default provider for the output of `w` in `A`. In openLCA, you cannot connect processes by elementary flows as these flows describe the direct exchanges of the processes with the environment related to the produced and consumed product and waste flows.