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I created an LCA with the EF Database form the nexus.

I can calculate results for the product system and get what seems like reasonable numbers there. However, when I create a project to compare the two systems and create a report, all I get is a blank page.

Any idea due to what that could be?

Thanks for your help!


in openLCA by (230 points)
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2 Answers

0 votes
by (131k points)
There was an issue with the browser we integrated into openLCA for these pages, for Mac and also Windows, and we have therefore changed in version 1.10 - are you using an older version maybe?
by (230 points)
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Hi Andreas,

I'm using 1.10.2 on windows 10 (originally downloaded it on Windows 7, but transferred it lest week). I'm running the variant that's not installed/integrated, because I wanted to avoid the hassle with IT to do so...
by (230 points)
(sorry, I had the typed the wrong version, I corrected it now)
by (131k points)
Ok I see - then it should not be due to the report page. This happens only with the PEF database or in general for you? Do you have any validation errors for the models you calculate? Does the log file show any errors? Thanks!
by (230 points)
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I didn't have the Issue with the ELCD database originally, but now when checking again, the same happens there.
I just checked the Log file (I edited the Original post to include a screenshot). There's a "create=false" on the last line, I assume that indicates the issue, but I'm not sure what to make of it.
0 votes
by (230 points)
So for anyone having the same issue, exporting the database and importing it into openLCA on am MacOS Machine "fixed" it.

Neither reinstalling openLCA nor exporting and re-importing the DB on windows resolved the issue. So I'm assuming the issue is Windows10 related.