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I'm trying to take into account waste. Now, in my process, the products are rinced first and later washed with detergents. How can I take this into account within OpenLCA?

Do I add the amount of water as an input and the same amount as output? Or do I add the amount of water as an input and the same amount but with a negative sign as output? Or do I just the amount of water as an input and that's it? Or do I need to do something else entirely? None of the water and detergents react or are lost.

Thanks in advance for your answer,

in openLCA by (310 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (129k points)
Different "strategies" are possible here, I would model the input, rinsing water as input product (e.g. tap water), and the output as waste water (and waste flow), which then goes to a waste water treatment plant. The "double negative" ( - - ) approach works too for output water but is typically unintuitive and error-prone. Best wishes, Andreas
by (310 points)
Also, this double negative approach, does this mean that you put the value negative in the input AND negative into the output?