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I was trying to find information about the licence conditions of OpenLCA. I know it is "free" - but according to the copyright law in EU it is reqired to agree and keep a copy of exact text of licence. Normally open source software usually uses one of general licence templates such as GNU FDL or BSD and asks during instataliton process to accept it, and then file with the licence text is usally stored in instalation folder of the software and linked in "About" menu. In github there is a copy of Mozilla Public Licence 2.0 - but there is no any place in the software itself claiming that this the licence for the software. This is quite serious problem for me, as my Univ reqires to provide a licence for any piece of software installed on the computers pluged in Univ. LAN.
in openLCA by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
by (128k points)
Hi, the license information is provided in the about.html file in the openLCA installation path. You see that it is not only Mozilla 2, but other licenses as well, since we combine different other plugins etc. with other, compatible open source licenses. For code we write, it is, indeed, Mozilla Public License version 2.

Hth, Andreas
by (120 points)
Thank you for answer.