0 votes
Hello everyone!

I have established a process chain for aluminium processing. Every step need electric energy for sure, which is provided by the same system process (electricity mix low voltage for Austria). in the Sankey diagram I only see the accumulated contribution of all steps allocated to the last step. How can I display the share to the (modeled) custom upstream processes?? In my opinion, this way of displaying is changing the interpretation of results.

Kind regards,

in openLCA by (760 points)
by (130k points)
can you maybe post a screenshot - I do not understand the point I think, thank you!

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (760 points)
a short remark after the case is sort of closed: after installation of openLCA2.0.2 the Sankey diagram looks like what I thought when asking the question six days ago (I was using 2.0.0). Now in the sankey diagram the Electricity mix process has connection to all three production process like it is drawn in the model graph. Thanks for the change done with the update

0 votes
by (760 points)

Dear Mr. Ciroth,

sorry for not being clear! Here is the LCA model..

After calculation the Sankey diagram looks like this: 

In this view of the Sankey diagram it seems that all of the electric energy is allocated to the heat treatment process... If not how I can determine the contribution of electric energy to the other two processes.

Kind regards,


by (760 points)
Thanks for your comment! The hints regarding the upstream amount in the sankey diagram and the contribution tree tab were the right ones. in the contribution tree tab the electric energies and their impact category of every process step are listed. So there is no need of creating separate product systems.

Case closed I think... :)