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in openLCA by (170 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (8.4k points)
Hello Sivaranjani,

Its a few steps, but essential in OpenLCA modelling.

1: Create your own process, with an associated output flow.

2: Choose a process that you want the previously created process to link to.

3: Add a new flow as an input. Choose the provider for the process to be the process you created in step 1.

4. Save the process.

Now the 2 processes are connected. Check that you use the correct amount, so that it corresponds to the real product system you are trying to model. When you analyse the process from step 2, you will see in the flow diagram, that the process from step 1 is a supplier.

Good luck
by (170 points)
Thanks Matias, I tried the same and it worked.
Now, I'm facing another issue. Since I'm new to this Openlca, I downloaded the free database Environmental footprint and Openlca LCIA for impact assessment. I calculated the impact assessment for corrugated fibreboard, but all the impact results are showing zero. I dont know whats the problem in it. Kindly help

Thanks in advance,
by (8.4k points)
Hello Sivaranjani,
I do not know too much about the EF database. But i have noticed that if you calculate results with the option "auto-connect suppliers" turned on, then it does not work. You can search for previously asked questions in this forum, to find questions and answers about this. Good luck.