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Dear Sir/Madam,

I am getting this error about some matrix when I try to perform the LCIA. Can you please help on resolving this:

1. Matrix error: the matrix is probably singular.

2. selected provider org.openlca.core.results.providers.FactorizationSolver@42a5ca23

3. calculate result for RootEntity [type=ProductSystem, refId=514ba3e8-7711-4c21-a628-7edb2c94c594, name=Desalination]

4. check if system RootEntity [type=ProductSystem, refId=514ba3e8-7711-4c21-a628-7edb2c94c594, name=Desalination] is linked

in openLCA by (160 points)

1 Answer

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by (131k points)
Well then the matrix is maybe indeed singular, meaning you have rows / colums that are linearly dependent from others. This happens e.g. if you have more than one row that is entirely 0. Or, the linking of the product system is messed up, which can happen if you link the EF database automatically e.g.. As first step, check the linking properties of the database.