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I've inserted an elementary flow of sulfur dioxide in the input flow. The sulfur dioxide value becomes negative after running the LCIA of the product system. Suppose the sulfur dioxide is released to the environment, instead, the result shown the sulfur dioxide is absorbed.
in openLCA by (120 points)

1 Answer

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by (131k points)
So but why did you enter the SO2 as input? This means the SO2 is consumed (and thus yields a negative value in the calculation). Enter it as output, this will reflect that the SO2 is released. Good luck!
by (120 points)
Hi, Thank u. I wanted to create a Natural latex synthesis unit process and insert it into a mixture of compound.
The environmental impact data was extracted from a journal. With
the potential environmental impact provided, for example, acidification is 1622 g SO2 eq. So I insert the sulfur dioxide in the input. I've also repeated the same way for CO2, ethylene, phosphate, 1,4 DB (all of them in input flows). My output will be 1kg of Natural latex. The output will be copy and paste into the input flow of the mixture of compound. Then I run the LCIA, only sulfur dioxide has negative value (meaning it is absorbed) but it's actually released. Thus, I'm not so sure, shall I exclude the sulfur dioxide and insert it in the output flow for the natural latex synthesis unit process, and the other impact factors remain as input flows?
by (131k points)
ok in the vulcanisation you have of course sulphur input but probably not SO2. But from your description, you model until the rubber compound. It is then ok if you do not have SO2 emissions since these will occur later once the rubber compound product is incinerated, at end of life.