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I have the final environmental impacts (from the EPD) of a product, but i don't have the flow or the process; how can I create them based on these results?

Otherwise, how can I import these impacts from a file to my database?

Thank you,

in openLCA by (190 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (131k points)
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Best answer
Hi Bianca,

if the EPD is in ILCD+EPD format, you can simply import it (file / import / file, then select the zip archive). You will get an EPD with results per life cycle stage, which you can use in your own models.

Best wishes,


- be aware that published EPDs in "digital format" (i.e. ILCD+EPD) are often somehow funny, I assume since they are rather produced than used so far by those who create them
by (190 points)
Thank you very much for your help!