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 When I catulate a Process in Product System, the window always displays a small popup window and signals an error liking below, but the caculating can continue and give the result. I see the log-file, but I do not know how to find more information and I also do not know if the result is correct under this situation. I woder if you would like to tell me more about it.


in openLCA by (120 points)
edited by
by (129k points)
You did not post an image? In openLCA 1.8 and 1.9, you can check the linking properties of a database, which shows you whether you can build product systems with autolinking (and with which of the options).
by (120 points)
Hi Andreas,
Thank you very much for your replay.  I have post an image, but it can not dispaly. The error number is 818965.  but I can not found the number in mylog file.
by (120 points)
Hi Andreas,
I post the image again and found the log file, but I also can not kown what hanppened. I woder if you would like to help me.
Thank you very much
by (129k points)
Thanks but the log file will contain also a section with errors related to formula evaluation failed, please check this.
by (120 points)
Thank you very much, but how can I check the log file?
by (129k points)
You are showing, above, already parts of the log file? You can open it via help/open log file. Latest entries are at bottom.
by (120 points)
Thank you very much, but when I open the log file, I also can not understand what is worry, would you like to teach me how to find the errors and how to correct it.

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