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I'm new to openLCA, and a bit lost among the possible tools for using the API.

Suppose I got an EcoSpold02 file. I want to compute impact results on this data, using openLCA. So I need to import this file, and then to make the calculations.

It looks like olca-ipc is fine for the calculations... if you already have data stored in an openLCA IPC server. The problem is I didn't find how to import an Ecospold file with olca-ipc. I read about olca-io module but it looks more like a maven module that you cannot use in an external python script.

Thank you in advance for any clues !

in openLCA by (700 points) 1 flag

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (14.0k points) 1 flag
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Best answer
It is currently not possible to import an EcoSpold data set via olca-ipc. But yes, you could use the olca-io module from a JVM language (Java, Kotlin, Scala, Clojure ... or Jython). P/Jython scripts can be executed from the Python editor in openLCA, you have full access to the openLCA API there. You can find some examples here: https://github.com/GreenDelta/openlca-python-tutorial (though some of them are outdated). Calling the import is not very complicated: you create an instance of `EcoSpold2Import` with some configuration, set the files (`spold` or `zip` files), and call the `run` method: https://github.com/GreenDelta/olca-modules/blob/master/olca-io/src/main/java/org/openlca/io/ecospold2/input/EcoSpold2Import.java#L26.

If this does not help, we also provide developer trainings where we can help with such things or implement this together: http://www.openlca.org/trainings/
by (130 points) 1 flag
Hola, muchas gracias por la informaciĆ³n.
Tengo un inconveniente al ejecutarlo me da un error  cabe mencionar que le ejecuto directamente, "al  crear una instancia de 'EcoSpold2Import' te refieres abrir la pestaƱa de importar la base de datos eb open LCA"