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I am having trouble modelling the incineration in openLCA using the Ecoinvent 3.7 consequential unit regionalized database. I am modelling three food trays, one polypropylene, one PET and one of a new combination of materials. How can I model the incineration of a polypropylene tray? I have seen some examples, but I still don't understand what process to put for input or output and if I should use a negative sign or not. I have basically the same question on how to model recycling for the PET tray. Perhaps a pretty basic question, but you would be of much help if you could tell me how to do this! Thanks!

Kind regards,

in openLCA by (120 points)

1 Answer

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by (131k points)
Hello Stijn,

are you wondering which existing ecoinvent process to use or rather how to model the incineration yourself? In any case, you can check how ecoinvent did it, e.g. with "treatment of waste polypropylene, municipal incineration | waste polypropylene | Consequential, U" in CH, and then maybe adapt. You don't need to model anything with a negative sign, the incineration takes up waste, as input.

Hth, Andreas