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as said i started modelling flows, processes, project systems etc. with ecoinvent 3.5 and i'd like to update my work to the current ecoinvent 3.7 version. Is the a way to port my work from my existing database with ecoinvent 3.5 to a new database with ecoinvent 3.7? Simple copy&paste or drag&drop didn't work for me. Or do i have to remodel all the created elements in the new 3.7 database?

in openLCA by (120 points)

1 Answer

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by (130k points)
Hi, good question; in principle the UUIDs for the processes are the same in different versions, but the migration requires some more details to work perfectly. We plan to prepare a script for the version 3.8 to help migrating from 3.7/3.7.1.

For now, you can export only your foreground system as JSON-LD, and then import this into 3.7, select overwrite as option, and then check your model.

Best wishes
by (320 points)
I am having the same question, I started building my processes and product systems using Ecoinvent 3.7.1, and now I want to transfer these processes into a new database - Ecoinvent 3.8.

How could this be done?