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Hello, Fundamental question, for example I have a flow for hot rolled steel and I want to model it being formed into a part through milling process. My model input is only hot rolled steel and electricity since I am doing a gate to gate LCA. So, I have created a process called milling under the process tab and then added the input material (hot rolled steel in kg) and electricity (in kwh) by copying all the inputs and outputs from the databases. Is this how it is done? 

Also, my functional unit is 0.1045 kg steel. How do I change that amount? I tried changing it manually in the process model that I have created. But I did not see any changes in the input or output flows accordingly.

Please help. 

in openLCA by (210 points)

1 Answer

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by (131k points)
Hi and welcome, you simply need to change the amount 1 to the amount you need (and adjust the rest of the process accordingly of course). Also it seems you are using ecoinvent not from Nexus, this can cause some issues in connecting and calculating life cycles and I would recommend you use the version from Nexus.

Thank you.
by (210 points)
Hi and thank you for your reply. I am using USLCI database and I have downloaded it from the following link
I did not seem to find the nexus version for it.