+1 vote
Hi OpenLCA forum. Do you have any example or tutorial on how to model waste. For example, I have modeled the production process of a reinforced concrete structure already. As I want to study the whole life cycle of my project, I would like to include the disposal part.

For instance, I want to allocate 42% of steel waste to recycling and the other 58% on waste treatment. At the same time, the 30% of concrete waste is recycled and the remaining 70 % is going to land fill. I cannot find a good documentation on waste modelling from your manual. I want to make sure that I am doing the correct modelling procedure in Open LCA. I am in need of urgent help. Thanks very much in advance.
in openLCA by

1 Answer

–1 vote
by (123k points)
Hi, that is a good question. So far, you need to model waste treatment as a service; we follow here some existing databases like ecoinvent (and I agree this is not too intuitve at first).
Best wishes,
by (120 points)

I too am having this problem.

Is there nay way you could provide a step by step guide to doing this?
Not all of us are as familiar with the software and terminology as you are.

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