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Is there a way to download datasets Ecoprofiles provided by Plastic Europe in Ecoinvent data base? .. I have tried with ILCD format  but it only adds elementary elements  and not the process self...Ecospold format don`t seem to work (error message in the log file "no more zip entries")
Thanks a lot in advance for the insight!

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1 Answer

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by (126k points)
Laura, what do you mean -
"Ecoprofiles provided by Plastic Europe in Ecoinvent data base but not as part of the ecoinvent database?"
Hi Andreas,

Thanks for you quick reply... yes indeed..plastic europe provide datasets for DINP, product/process which is not available in Ecoinvent because i don`t find any related product in Ecoinvent. I have atteched the xml file from the zip file downloaded (full zip file is too heavy to be charged but contains ILCD format / Ecospold / GAbi)
Is it possible to use it ? ...
I have already asked to EPCI to provide me with the LCI table in case.
Otherwise has i have the LCIA results...i will find a product in the familiy with similar results but I would rather prefer not do that...
by (126k points)
Well if it is in ILCD format, you can import it into openLCA? But you will need the entire zip archive, not only the process xml. From here http://www.plasticseurope.org/plastics-sustainability-14017/eco-profiles/browse-by-flowchart.aspx?LCAID=r10007  I do not get any data set but this is maybe since I have flash deactivated.
Yes indeed you will need flash ;-)
I have downloaded the entire zip file ... by extracting the zip file from the ILCD sub folder (attached in the post) it doesn`t seem to work... but maybe I am doing wrong procedure to import ? (open database/import / select the zip file / subfolder ILCD --> then right part the zip file appears / finish ) but then I get an error message "Flow proprety import failed" --> in the log file (attached too) -error message says "could not created flow
by (126k points)
ah indeed - just select the zip archive, then it works; do not browse into the ILCD subfolder inside the archive
Hi Andreas,

Unfortunalty I don`t work for me... here is the procedure I follow:
1 open ecoinvent 3.2 DB
2 click right --> file import in ILCD
3 select the zip file from the directory --> the zip file appear on the right box
4 finish
... I get error messages....file failed to import (error message)...how come? I am doing something wrong?
Many thank again for your help
Hi Andreas,

I could finally solve the issue :-)
I see now in my DB the new flow and the process created BUT when I add as an input flow in my process I am unable to select the process providing it although it is there and contains the data sets (from the process DINP production i could created the product system and calculate the results).
This is again due to EUGeos method since in another DB without this method it works well...

How can I solve this?
Thanks in advance

Hi, Just to point out that this isn`t explicitly due to the IA methods in the EuGeos database. I`ve found that when I import Plastics Europe datasets in ILCD format into unaltered ecoinvent v3.2 the process isn`t added to the list of possible providers. I`ve assumed that`s because it is added in a new folder that`s not part of the original ecoinvent database structure. But you don`t have to re-input whole process manually, you just have to re-input the product flow. You create an equivalent product flow in the normal "ecoinvent" structure and make this an output from the imported process; you then make it the reference flow and delete the duplicate output. Once it`s saved you should be able to select the new reference flow as an input, and it will be possible to select the imported process as the provider.
But of course importing this kind of dataset introduces items that are native to ILCD/GaBi and not present in ecoinvent. So you need to be careful that the LCIA methods are still valid.
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