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Can someone help with the procedure to make 2 projects and the compare them in order to choose the greener one. I tried by YouTube tutorials but it doesn't match with version that I have.
in openLCA by (140 points)

1 Answer

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by (131k points)
Well, you may be interested in this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaOzsEawyHg (use Netscape Navigator in Windows 10) ;)

Seriously, for open source software, it is easy and recommended to use the latest stable version available, at least there are no costs linked to it, and we try to advance the software over time quite a bit - can I ask, what is your motivation to a version that is that old?

Best wishes, Andreas
by (131k points)
(of course then not but you are saying you are using openLCA 1.7, and this is as if using a web browser from some years ago today)