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I am using openLCA and the ELCD 3.2 dataset. I am trying to make the example of the water bottle and I have put in some plastics (PET, PP, ...) as input with a certain amount in kg but the output does not change accordingly. Is this normal? Or should I manually give the amount in the output?

in openLCA by (310 points)

1 Answer

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by (130k points)
Hi, yes this normal; an LCA process dataset is typically quite "stupid", and allows you to change every flow independent from the others. If you change an input amount, you need to check whether the output amount or also other input amounts are affected, and if yes, change these too. You can of course make inputs and outputs depend on parameters, but then the parameter is influencing both input and output and it is not so that in input influences an output e.g..
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