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I did an LCA with openLCA and then exported all the processes, product systems, etc. I created to pass them on to a co-worker and then unzipped the created folder. However, I tried to import all those JSON files into a new database to check to see if that works and I can't get past that window where all folders are listed as I can' select anything. It seems as every folder is empty when at the same time all my files are visible when I check the folders in the Explorer. Is there anything I might do wrong? Thanks in advance
in openLCA by (160 points)
by (14.0k points)
Do not unzip the file. openLCA only accepts zip files with a specific structure for the JSON import: http://greendelta.github.io/olca-schema/#zip-packages

1 Answer

0 votes
by (790 points)
In openLCA, try to select the parent folder to the database folders you want to import.

Let us know if the folders appear!
by (100 points)
The folders do not appear... I am still getting the error message that says you need to open database... I have used the Import >file option to select the correct folder where the json database is located... but it can't find it when I then go to import>other