0 votes
I have noted that there are inbuit normalization and weighting factors for ReCiPe 2016 Endpoint LCIA method such as World 2010, inbuilt in OpenLCA. I am working on a 2016 Midpoint LCIA, but couldnt find any normalization database given. When I tried to add one with customized values, normalization is not reflected in the results.

Need urgent help on this.
in openLCA by (120 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
by (8.4k points)
Hello janidas,

It seems like you have an annoying issue. I dont know what the solution is, but if it is urgent, i would suggest applying the normalization and weighting factors manually, in excel.

This does not solve the underlying issue, but it might get you through the urgent situation. Hopefully your system is not too complex.

Good luck
0 votes
by (129k points)

Hi, I am not sure I understand "normalization database" but you can just add normalisation values in the method? Click on the plus and then enter the amounts?
