+1 vote

Dear OpenLCA developers,

What's the expected timeplan for the release of the EF3.1 database (via OpenLCA Nexus)?
I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.
All the best, 


in openLCA by (430 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (129k points)
edited by
Expected release is about today or tomorrow ;)

Editing this somewhat optimistic reply, after almost 4 months: It is now released, finally, here: https://nexus.openlca.org/database/Environmental%20Footprints. Our apologies. We hope this is still useful..

On the brighter side, we have corrected the datasets quite a bit and now an infrastructure around it that allows us also to put some effort into the maintenance.
by (129k points)
yes, see my edited reply above please