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Good morning OpenLCA staff and everyone, how can I compose an electricity mix, which contains medium voltage power generation. e.g.: electricity production from natural gas, not at high voltage, but at medium voltage. I noticed that in ECOINVENT 3.9.1, all energy production flows (with some exceptions) and the related providers are at "High Voltage".

Thanks in advance.
in openLCA by (300 points)

1 Answer

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by (8.4k points)

Hello Cipriano, 

It is my understanding that power generation from natural gas generates power with a high voltage. To have a medium voltage electricity from natural gas, you need to convert it to medium voltage. There is a small loss associated with this conversion. I advise you to find the dataset: electricity voltage transformation from high to medium voltage l electricity medium voltage l Cutoff/apos/consequential, U. If you copy this process, and alter it so that the high voltage input electricity is from natural gas, the output of the process will be medium voltage from natural gas. 

I hope this helps, good luck. 

by (300 points)
Thank you so much, Mr. Lund