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How can I view the product properties for a given product flow from ecoinvent inside openLCA? I need to find the material density of certain products to report alongside their carbon intensities.
in openLCA by (150 points)

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by (129k points)
indeed, the exchange properties of ecoinvent are not brought into openLCA, mainly because > 1 year ago, they were mainly inflated autogenerated values (Titanium: biogenic carbon content 0, etc.). This has improved a bit, so we may add those that make sense, i.e. that add information. As the exchanges table is the most heavy table to deal with, with literally millions of entries, multiplying this with generic no-information data is something we like to avoid as it would inflate the entire database.
edit: Costs are provided in openLCA though, quite some cost data has been removed in the original ecoivnent datasets in recent versions.