0 votes
My company has access to an ecoinvent license, but they purchased it directly from ecoinvent. Is there any way I can either import that ecoinvent release into openLCA or is there a way to get access to the openLCA version of ecoinvent? Currently, I am forced to use other softwares since openLCA is not compatible with ecoinvent's official database.
in openLCA by (140 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
by (4.3k points)

there is a solution. On openLCA Nexus you will find this statement:



0 votes
by (130k points)
edited by

To add to Jonas' answer, you simply get more when you buy the license from Nexus: the ecoinvent license and access to the ecoinvent original files (the red box below) plus the versions for openLCA (the lila box below).

For the same price:

ecoinvent unfortunately does not reimburse users who bought from them and discover this later. And we of course have effort for providing ecoinvent and it is we think therefore fair if we charge for those where we provide the license; for those who buy from us, we get a reseller fee from ecoinvent. And as you see from Nexus, we sell for the same price as ecoinvent. Of course, some may be "forced" to use other tools, but we of course cannot work for free. And have already about 100,000 users. Thank you for your understanding!
