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How do I know/collect the output (emission to air or water) of denim dyeing and sizing?
in Miscellaneous by (190 points)

1 Answer

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by (8.4k points)
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Best answer
Hello Ibrahim,

1. You must find, or create the process, with the necessary input or output processes. This is the results in an aggregated format.

2. Calculate the results of the processes, and save the process as an LCI process.

3. Go into the LCI process, and sort the inputs or outputs according to Category. This will show you all the flows that are inputs or outputs from/to water and air.

4. If you are interested in the characterized value, go into the tab "Impact analysis" and choose the correct LCIA method in the tab. Then click on the small arrow next to the impact category you are interested in. This will show you the flows, whether they are to air, water, soil, etc., and their characterized impact.

Hope this helps, best of luck.