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If it is possible to get whole LCI dataset from supplier...is it possible to import that data or enter new flow by manually entering the LCI data into Ecoinvent database / Open LCA software?
in openLCA by (160 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (130k points)
Yes sure, if the package comes in the right format? Entering data manually is of course also always possible but takes time etc.
by (130k points)
Excel as such is of course not a format but a table strucutre in excel can rather easily read with Python that you can run in openLCA - manual creation is of course possible and explained here: for processes: https://manuals.openlca.org/openlca/processes/creating_new_process.html, and for flows: https://manuals.openlca.org/openlca/flows/creating_new_flow.html.