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Whenever I am trying to do a Monte Carlo Simulation (even just 1 iteration) OpenLCA crashes when pressing "start". I have already allocated more memory. The log file showes the following:

Has anybody else encountered this problem?

in openLCA by (190 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
by (190 points)
Best answer
I had to use the ecoinvent 3.9.1 n2 version before as the new one wasn't available to me, but the problem is resolved now using the ecoinvent 3.9.1 n3_20230629 version
0 votes
by (130k points)
Hi, does the normal calculation work, can you please check? It is possible that you have an ill-specified system (technology matrix that is singular) e.g. when you have several rows / coloums entirely 0, due to a parameter setting.

Thank you,

by (190 points)
Hi Andreas, thank you for your response! The normal calculation does work. I also checked whether or not there is the same problem using a mac notebook, but on that one the Monte Carlo Simulation works. The notebook just doesn't have enough RAM to do the iterations somewhat quickly, so that will not fix my problem . Maybe it is a Windows problem?