+1 vote


I know that we can specify if a process is a Unit Process or a System Process on OpenLCA and I know how to do it. However I don't how to create a "sub process" that would be under a System Process. To better explain my self here is an image of what I want to do.

Processes A and B would be two "sub" Unit Processes and Process C would be a System Process. Then Process C could be used in a Product System without having to see its underlying Unit Processes, just the inputs and the ouputs.

If someone could help me out, I would be very grateful.



in openLCA by (190 points)
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by (190 points)
My issue is that if I put the quantitave references of the "sub-processes" as inputs of another System Process, I don't know what to put as output of said process.

1 Answer

0 votes
by (23.7k points)
You can link 'sub-processes' via adding their quantitative reference as an input for another process. Is that what you mean?
by (700 points)
Yes, but this quantitative reference can be the quantitative reference of other processes, not only of the one you want to link to. In my case, the process I want to use as "input" of another process is "diammonium phosphate production | phosphate fertiliser, as P2O5 | Cutoff, S" (Ecoinvent 3.4) and its quantitative reference is "phosphate fertiliser, as P2O5", which is produced by more than 150 processes.

I think I misunderstood something here but I'd appreciate if you could show me what I got wrong.