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Hello, im a student and i want to learn how to use openlca software. where can i get a free database to learn to use the software. kindly help
in openLCA by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
by (220 points)
The OpenLCA Nexus website has a few databases that are free to download and use, e.g. Agribalyse.
Log into the website and you will find them in the downloads section. Here's the link: https://nexus.openlca.org/downloads

Happy learning! :)
by (127k points)
well actually Agribalyse, especially, is not entirely free any more, per decision of Ademe and ecoinvent, see the 3.1.1 Agribalyse documentation that is also available on Nexus - we regret this but of course follow what Ademe as database owner requires.
by (120 points)
Hi Andreas. My university has a multiple user academic license for ecoinvent. When I try to download Agribalyse, it requests that I buy ecoinvent again.

Do we have to directly request the database to Ademe?
by (127k points)
Indeed, the nexus system expects a nexus-ecoinvent. Once you have this, all is good