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I'm using v2 modules and gdt-server-app.

Everything seems OK but I used to export result to extract IPC results (process upstream impacts). 

Since the excel export is not there anymore, I try using the endpoint `POST result/{result-id}/upstream-impacts-of/{impact-category}` but I can't figure out what to put in the `path` parameter ? 

He ask for "the upstream path encoded as string" but I don't know where to find it. 

Does anyone know how to use this endpoint ? 

Thank you ! 

in openLCA by (180 points)

1 Answer

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by (7.4k points)

Hi ryosensei,

The path to a node in an upstream tree is unique for a sequence of technosphere flows. Such a path is encoded using the IDs of the provider-flow pairs in a single string where the flow separator is "::" and the node separator "/", e.g.:




by (180 points)
Thank you very much :)