0 votes
so that means the waste written below then follows opposite direction approach?


PE : 0.0022 kg

waste : -0.0002 kg


fillers : 0.002kg
in openLCA by (170 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
by (127k points)
well you would need to say in addition whether the flow type for each is waste or product (which you can see from the icon e.g.) but the negative waste amount suggests indeed the opposite direction / double negative approach. "Waste" is then be a product flow. And if fillers are a product too, you have a process with two products.
by (170 points)
Hi, so basically if this is a process generated waste, and i put the waste as positive value and it is having the name of the flow "Incineration good", then it will be correct in determining the waste coming out of it right? I have also added a provider to it under the inputs section which is for incineration purposes.
by (127k points)
almost right ;)
The name of the flow does not matter, what is important is the type of the flow, is it a product (blue icon) or a waste flow (brown icon).
by (170 points)
the filler is a product icon and the waste in this case which is an "incineration good" is the waste icon. Based on this the below information, i think i am correct now?


PE : 0.0022 kg

Incineration good (waste icon): 0.0002 kg


fillers (product icon) : 0.002kg
by (127k points)
actually no. Either products and -, or waste. So remove the - for your waste flow. That should be it (and you still have a multi-functional process then).
by (170 points)
A better question is what waste modeling approach would this follow:


PE : 0.0022 kg

Incineration good : 0.0002 kg  //(this is a process under municipal solid waste in the existing EF database)


fillers  : 0.002kg