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Hi, I found that when I change the quantitative reference of a process, and I click on the direct calculation, I got a zero result in every category.

To be clear, the calculate result is non-zero when I didn't change the quantitative reference, the different between above two processes only the quantitative reference flow (the flow was newly added by me, have a different name, same flow type and same reference flow property)
in openLCA by (170 points)

1 Answer

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by (123k points)
edited by

So this means you have a multifunctional process, right? Maybe you did not allocate anything to the second product that you added and selected? If you want, share more details, thank you.

Edit in response to your comment: I tested and results are exactly the same after the change.

process before

process after new qr

results before

results after qr change (direct calculation)

-> so it must be something else in your case. Could be that your database does not allow direct calculation for example (check the linking, as is also advised when you start the direct calculation).

by (170 points)
No, I only replace the flow 1 with flow 2. It means, the original process has a product flow name flow 1, and I set a new flow in flow folder name flow 2, and add flow 2 in the output of the process, set flow 2 as quantitative reference, and remove flow 1, come out a process only has flow 2 as its product flow. And finally, I run calculate get a zero result.
by (170 points)
Thanks for your help, I tried in different processes, some of them can run the same result, but the other can not and become zero. I can not find out the different between them and cause of error. But thanks again~