Dear all,
again it´s me. still at the hunt for units...
In my model I need masses, energies and items.
mass_flow_property=client.get(schema.FlowProperty, name="Mass") # unit Mass
energy_flow_property=client.get(schema.FlowProperty,name="Energy") # unit energy
item_flow_property=client.get(schema.FlowProperty,name="Items") # unit items
This code leads to the following error messages:
WARNING:root:failed to get entity of type <class 'olca_schema.schema.FlowProperty'>: 404: resource not found
FlowProperty(id='93a60a56-a3c8-11da-a746-0800200b9a66', category='Technical flow properties', description=None, flow_property_type=<FlowPropertyType.PHYSICAL_QUANTITY: 'PHYSICAL_QUANTITY'>, last_change='2024-11-29T10:39:13.667072Z', name='Mass', tags=None, unit_group=Ref(id='93a60a57-a4c8-11da-a746-0800200c9a66', category='Technical unit groups', description=None, flow_type=None, location=None, name='Units of mass', process_type=None, ref_unit=None, ref_type=<RefType.UnitGroup: 'UnitGroup'>), version='00.00.000')
Due to the printout it seems that the first error message belongs to the Item_flow_property, which cannot be generated since the Item group was not found (I tried this with the UUID too..). Can anybody help me on that? My combination is OpenLCA 2.3 and ecoinvent 3.9.
Kind regards, Dieter