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I imported the ecoinvent DB v 3.10 zolca file in two different ways. The first time I imported the database into a "empty database" and the second time I imported the DB into "complete reference data". When I calculate the numbers of flows and processes in the two databases I get this:
empty DB: flows = 8000, processes = 23000

complete reference data: flows = 70000, processes = 23000

Can anyone tell me why? And how is it even possible that there are more flows than processes?
Another thing is that, when I calculate some LCIAs I get the same values for both DBs.
in openLCA by (120 points)

1 Answer

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by (129k points)
Hi, there are more or less efficient ways but I would not say a wrong way for importing a database. When you import ecoinvent into a database with reference data, you have reference data that is not in ecoinvent, and thus more flows. Easiest is to "restore" the zolca database.

Best wishes,
