0 votes
Dear all,

I want to to run a model in Docker container. Referring to documentation, there are two possibilities, model image and service image.

In the service image, only the IPC Server and the database is within the container. To my understanding in the model image, the docker container consists of the model, the datasets of the database needed to run the model and the IPC server.

So, I could reduce the database being put to the docker container to the datasets I need to run the calculation, simply by exporting Productsystem, processes, flows, units and impact categories? Is there a possibility to fetch all elements of a product system (processes, flows and units) at once? Does the checkbox "Export default providers of product inputs and waste outputs" cover that???

Kind regards,

in openLCA by (760 points)
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1 Answer

+1 vote
by (7.9k points)
Hi Dieter,

Yes, when checking this box, you are exporting all the data necessary to run product system calculation.

