+2 votes

Is it possible to add a .zolca database to a docker IPC container? Apparently, I need to first open the database in desktop openLCA, then copy the database folder to the docker database directory.

in Miscellaneous by (160 points)

1 Answer

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by (7.9k points)

Hi interested_mackerel,

A .zolca file is a ZIP file. You could simply unzip it in your databases folder.

Ensure that the database is updated to align with the IPC server version, as this can only be performed using openLCA.



by (7.9k points)
You can check the version of the olca-ipc package used on this line: https://github.com/GreenDelta/olca-ipc-container/blob/3e0f6d126cc44870951dbf4ad0d85204362a09ed/pom.xml#L21C13-L21C18. So you'd know the tag of olca-modules and can check the version of the last upgrade: https://github.com/GreenDelta/olca-modules/blob/f045801968010ff1a86e4c01b0b411d6ea3becd5/olca-core/src/main/java/org/openlca/core/database/upgrades/Upgrades.java#L22.
The version of the DB is stored in `openlca_version: SELECT version FROM openlca_version;`.