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My envrionment:
- OpenLCA 2.3.0
- Python library open-ipc 2.0.3
- Python 3.12 
- Windows 11 Pro

When i call get_all(o.ProductSystem), IPC Server responds in too much time (about 10 minutes).
I'have tried to set up memory limit to 8000M in file>Preference>... and i also do the same in   ipc-server script inside the dir ...\openLCA\bin.
After restarting both (OpenLCA + IPC server) nothing has changed: It takes too much time again to respond.
Any suggestion?

in openLCA by (120 points)
by (5.3k points)
We probably need more details in what you're trying to accomplish. If you're doing this with a database with a large number of product systems, it will take some time to load them all because I think you're asking openLCA to load all the information it can for those product systems. Perhaps what you're trying to do is just get the names or UUIDs of the product systems for further processing. For that I'd use get_descriptors(o.ProductSystem), which will return only names and UUIDs.

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