+4 votes


For a particular project related to food, we are using a food database to do an analysis of procurement. I have been trying to connect to the database using OpenLCA and the Olca Python package with mixed success.

With help from other questions in this forum I have been able to connect, build a product system, calculate the system, and export the results of the many processes I need.

However, when comparing the results from the Olca method to calculation within OpenLCA, the results come out different.

The export from OpenLCA is more in-depth and seems to go a lot deeper than the Olca analysis. There are flows missing in every sheet in the Excel export.

So far I have tried:
1. Using various calculation methods in Olca
2. Different databases to cross-compare
3. Different Impact Assessments

I have seen similar questions but no real answers as to how to retreive the same Excel export from Olca-IPC as one can from OpenLCA, meaning the same level of detail.

You can find my code here.

in openLCA by (160 points)
by (160 points)
I experience the same issue. I am using the ecoinvent 3.9.1 consequential upr data, OpenLCA 2.0.4 and olca 2.0.2 . I experience this issue with the original electricity processes. I create product systems within openlca and use the specific id to calculate with olca. For all electricity processes I have tested so far, I get different results in OpenLCA ('calculate') and olca. I double checked the impact method. I have the feeling, that olca does not recognize or include all provider contributions.

1 Answer

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by (1.0k points)

Hi, can you identify/reproduce, how the differences in the underlying inventories (i.e. included flows) are generated?

Are you 100% sure, that you use identical ...

a) ... ways of creating the product systems (provider linking, preferred process type, cut-off)

b) ...  calculation setups (same allocation method)

... in both the openLCA client as well as in olca-ipc?

by (160 points)
To answer this, I have tried every kind of calculation setup, and while there should be a difference, it shouldn't be all zeroes for many of the processes.

Also tried making a product system, that was not the issue.

Thank you for the help though!

I'm still open to other possible solutions