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Brethren, I want to ask if you experience this. My elementary flow input ( with the usual GREEN LEAF LOGO) do not get analyzed by openLCA when process input are included in my input. I mean when PROCESS input and ELEMENTARY FLOW input are included in my analysis, there is no impact result for my ELEMENTARY FLOW inputs.


in openLCA by (450 points)
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1 Answer

+1 vote
by (3.8k points)

this always depends on your LCIA method. If it is not assessed you will see it in the "LCIA checks" tab of the analysis (https://greendelta.github.io/openLCA2-manual/res_analysis/analysis.html). Make sure that the elementary flow you use is also assessed by your LCIA method by holding a characterization factor: https://greendelta.github.io/openLCA2-manual/lcia_methods/impact_categories_tab_contents.html

Hope this helps
by (450 points)
OK but when I look into my contribution tree, I don't find the elementary flow as impact.
Where am I suppose to take note of where impact is high? Is it the contributory tree or elsewhere?
The characterization factor for occupation, annual crop is 7.3.
by (3.8k points)
Hi, I can't really follow but if your flow has a characterization factor and you selected the respective LCIA method, you should see it in the analysis. What you can do 1) check if it is in the inventory ("Inventory results tab"), then in the "Contribution tree" change to flow (selecting the radio box for "Flow") and then select your flow. Then you will see the contribution of that flow. If you can't find the flow in the contribution tree but in the inventory, you will find it in the LCIA checks and this means that you choose most likely a flow that has no characterization factor in your chosen method. Best
by (450 points)
Can you all see the image updated for the LCIA and characterization factor for both