0 votes

Dear all,

as I have mentioned in my previous question my aim is to conduct LCA calculations at a gdt server in a Docker container. In my case the model image approach is the most suitable approach. Regarding the database I prefer the solution where only the necessary datasets from the model established in the GUI are exported.to a ZIP file.

My question concerns the implementation of the database into the image. The example in the documentation states that the database is integrated by the -db attribute in the docker run command. Can the previously extracted Zip file be used directly??

docker run \
  -v $HOME/openLCA-data-1.4:/app/data \
  -m 4gb -it --rm \
  gdt-server \
  -db example --readonly

What is the meaning of the -v attribute? I hope that the path$HOMEopenLCA-data-1.4:/app/data refers to a folder within the container at execution, right?

I hope anybody can help me on that...

Kind regards,


in openLCA by (760 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (7.4k points)

Hi Drieter,

You cannot run the GDT server with a ZIP export, you need a full database. By full database, I mean a directory in your $HOME/openLCA-data-1.4/databases folder.

The -v attribute in the docker run command is used to mount a volume, i.e., to map a folder or file from your local machine into the container. In your case, the folder $HOME/openLCA-data-1.4 on your local machine is mounted to the /app/data folder within the Docker container. Any files or directories you place in $HOME/openLCA-data-1.4 on your host machine will be accessible at /app/data inside the container. See Docker manual.



by (760 points)
Again, thanks for the fast reply and the excellent support! my workaround regarding the exported datasets then will be to export them via zip-file, create an empty database and import the zip file into the new database... :)

Kind regards