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I am an undergraduate medical student undertaking a LCA as part of a placement to submit a paper for publication. I aim to complete a LCA with a KgCO2 per product on surgical staples used for a procedure and compare this to a plate and screw method for the same procedure.

I know the exact products used and have the product details. I also have access to OpenLCA, which has several free databases but no access to paid ones (I am based in the UK). I haven't used the software before, and I am not sure where to start. I have a background in engineering, so I have a beginner's appreciation of LCA, but nothing beyond this.

Would anyone be able to offer any advice or have resources that may make my task easier?
in openLCA by (120 points)

1 Answer

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ago by (2.4k points)

Hi, I would start here:
