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I would like to create an Impact assessment method for CED (cumulative energy demand) based on lower heating values.

But I cannot figure out how to create new characterization factors based on LHVs? It seems like I have to choose from existing impact categories. If I use the current impact categories from CED and change the factors, this will be changed globally, also for the original impact category. I would like to create my own impact categories, for instance "Energy resources: non-renewable - LHV", so that any adjustments I make will stay withing this impact category, and is not applied globally.

Any solutions?
in openLCA by (240 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (129k points)
well why don't you make a new method and a new impact category yourself? You can also copy an existing category if this has (most of) the flows you need.
by (240 points)
Thank you. I realized after asking the question that impact categories are stored in a separate folder, and that I had to create or copy a new subfolder in this folder in order to change or create impact categories and characterization factors without making the changes globally.

So, that solved my problem.  

add impact categories to an assessment method.