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Hi everyone, 

I am very very new to openLCA, but I am going to be using it to write my thesis. I am looking at regionalization and spatial LCA, and I was wondering if people had any tips or knew anything about importing data from QGIS or ESRI (I have access to both). I'm hoping to use mostly geoJSON files whenever possible, but shapefiles are fairly standard, too. 

I haven't been able to find a lot of resources about using geodata in openLCA and I'm wondering if people have done it before or if I am going to be inventing the wheel (I really hope not and I also doubt it). 

Also any resources people have on getting better at using openLCA would be great. 

ago in openLCA by (120 points)

1 Answer

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ago by (131k points)

Hi and welcome,

geoJSON works fine in openLCA, we use this for LCIA methods and processes:

And you can import geoJSON directly:
