I am trying to calculate the land use with the exiobase 3.4 database.
When analyzing the results, land use is always 0.
When I check the data sets, the individual data sets only contain monetary flows as inputs and only emissions as outputs (aside from the monetary output of the sector). No flows referring to land use. Only very few datasets contain land use, most others do not. Still, even these datasets result in a land use of 0.
How can "Dairy products - DE" not result in any land use? The LCI of this data set does not contain any land use in the LCA
Another example: the data set "cereal grains nec - DE" contains the use of cropland (Cropland - Cereal grains nec - 8.291283 m2). However, when I analyze the data set, the resulting land use is 0.
The table of characterization factors for "EXIOBASE - Other impacts " -> Land use is empty!
The key questions arising thereof are:
1) Why do most datasets not contain any land use?
2) Why does the LCIA method "land use" (EXIOBASE - Other impacts) not contain any characterization factors for land use?
According to
https://nexus.openlca.org/ws/files/14791, the LCIA methods that are implemented should work. Land use is contained in the LCIA category "EXIOBASE - Other impacts".
I tried both databases: "exiobase3_monetary_20181212" and "exiobase3_monetary_20181212_fixedlcia_june2021".
Thanks a lot!