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How can i perform EOL assessment of a mobile in OPen LCA?
in openLCA by (120 points)
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1 Answer

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by (23.7k points)
Hi Adeena, as your question is very generic, I can only give a very generic answer. You can check out our PET bottle tutorial to learn how to conduct an LCA http://www.openlca.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/1.5-Basic-Modelling.pdf

For EoL modelling you have to use waste treatment processes. Since openLCA 1.7.2 there are two ways to do this: http://www.openlca.org/we-are-happy-to-announce-the-release-of-openlca-1-7/

If you specify your question I may be able to give you a more specific answer. I hope it helps.
by (170 points)
Hi JNS and Adeena,
Since I am now at the same stage as Adeena was before 3 years.
I have collected the dissembled parts for recycling of end-of-life product but don't know where to start from.
The tutorial video which JNS mentioned is now not available. Please help me if you have figured out the way.

Thanks and regards.