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I wanna export my data in Product system as ZOLCA file, But in export option there is not such format to choose,Does any body know how to deal it?

thanks in advance.
in openLCA by (570 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (1.6k points)
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Best answer

the zolca format is used to export a whole database (right click on the name of the active database->backup database). If you want to export a product system only, you can choose the JSON-LD format (right click on the name of the active database->export->JSON-LD->next->select the items you want to export).
by (570 points)
Hi Dear Noi,
Thanks a lot for your guidelines.
I see ,
So shall I only export the whole database with my own exchanges in processes?
by (131k points)
As Claudia said, the zolca format contains always the entire database, if you want to export only your processes you should choose e.g. JSON-LD.
by (570 points)
Thank you so much Andreas