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When I do a test calculation for just one Process in the PEF database I receive negative values. This occurs for various PEF Processes (materials) like "Alkyd resin dispersion (self-emulsified); technology mix; production mix, at plant; 50% in water"

When I inspect the impact values on the Process level they are positive as expected, so I am very surprised that they become inverted (negative) when I do a calculation.

Your help would be much appreciated.
in openLCA by (120 points)
by (131k points)
How do you do the test calculation? You should not use the autoconnect option in the product system creation as GaBi processes are not meant for this, and it will result in funny supply chains.
by (120 points)
I add the Flow as Input. In this case  "Urea formaldehyde resin".  I do "Direct calculation" of the Process.  It then shows the impact as negative values?
I find the "Urea formaldehyde resin" in the PEF database under Materials production/Organic chemicals/nan/Urea-formaldehyde resin.

1 Answer

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by (131k points)
Thank you for the further explanation - direct calculation makes a product system with autoconnect and calculates this directly, on the fly, therefore you should not use direct calculation for PEF and GaBi-like databases.