So I created a product system for the life cycle of a wood plastic composite and I am using the EF and ELCD database.
I used parameters in the waste collection process to model the amounts of the WPC waste going to recycling, incineration or landfill. The inputs are the amount of WPC waste x the incineration/landfill/recycling rate (which are global parameters).

I then created a project to see how the different EoL scenarios (recycling, incineration, landfill) impact the results. The scenarios I want to compare are incineration only, landfill only, recycling only.
However I do not get results for 2 out of 3 scenarios that way.
Does anyone have any idea why?
I did run calculations of the product system setting the incineration/recycling/landfill rate to 100% and for climate change I get results of 1,76 kg CO2 eq (incineration only), -0,04 kg CO2 eq (landfill only) and 69,27 kg CO2 eq (recycling only). I don't get how the results for incineration only are so low and the results for landfilling are negative. I am using the ILCD 2011 midpoint + impact category btw.