Hi, the error message is not related to the memory issue but relates to that the numerical fast libraries cannot be found - you either didn't download them, or do not have write access where openLCA is installed, so they cannot be installed. Maybe, since "IT admin" needs check your installation, also the memory allocation update wasn't written to your installation directory. So either you install openLCA from the zip yourself (just download and extract in your user directory), and do these steps then yourself (download the libraries from the "you can make openLCA faster" banner on the welcome screen, and adapt the memory), or ask your IT admin to download the libraries (which makes openLCA around 5 times faster) and to adapt the memory, in the traditional application installation. Note that for "uninstalling" the extracted zip version, you simply need to delete the directory.
16 GB Ram should be ok also for larger systems, but if you have many systems open in parallel, or make a project that compares many product systems, then this can be exceeded. Also for exiobase e.g. more memory is good.
I hope this is useful, best wishes, Andreas